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Zu Kants geschichtsphilosophischem "Chiliasmus"

Flach, Werner

Phänomenologische Forschungen, Bd. 2005 (2005), Iss. 0: S. 167–174

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Flach, Werner


Kant’s concept of chiliasm is part of his research about history. More specifically, it is an aspect of the empiriological strategy which Kant pursues through this research. The aim of this strategy is to combine in methodological necessity experience and reason by way of cultivation, civilisation and moralisation, in order to obtain the general and fundamental dignity of human beings instituted as the „Weltbürgerrecht“, the only complete state of enlightment and as that by apriority the telos of history.


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Werner Flach: Zu Kants geschichtsphilosophischem „Chiliasmus“ 1