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Edition Nautilus GmbH
zu Klampen Verlag
Book Series
Aptum, Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte
Exit! Krise und Kritik der Warengesellschaft
Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift
Linguistische Berichte (LB)
Phänomenologische Forschungen
Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RomGG)
Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft
Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie (ZkT)
Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie
Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung
Subjects (Books)
Philosophy and Religion (1382)
Philosophy (1327)
Philosophical traditions and schools of thought (1195)
Western philosophy from c 1800 (640)
Idealism (119)
Phenomenology and Existentialism (49)
Analytical philosophy and Logical Positivism (22)
Pragmatism (5)
Structuralism and Post-structuralism (5)
Western philosophy: Enlightenment (216)
Medieval Western philosophy (116)
Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy (114)
Humanist philosophy (21)
East Asian and Indian philosophy (13)
Islamic and Arab philosophy (7)
Topics in philosophy (618)
Philosophy: metaphysics and ontology (179)
Ethics and moral philosophy (139)
Social and political philosophy (119)
Critical theory (1)
Philosophy: epistemology and theory of knowledge (109)
Philosophy: aesthetics (74)
Philosophy: logic (55)
Philosophy of mind (42)
Popular philosophy (10)
Religion and beliefs (172)
Religion: general (85)
Philosophy of religion (73)
Nature and existence of God and of the Divine (2)
Religious issues and debates (3)
Religion and science (2)
Religion and politics (1)
History of religion (1)
Christianity (63)
Christian Churches, denominations, groups (10)
Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church (8)
Protestantism and Protestant Churches (1)
Christianity: sacred texts and revered writings (7)
Bibles (7)
New Testaments (4)
Old Testaments (1)
Christian life and practice (1)
Aspects of religion (31)
Theology (30)
Religious institutions and organizations (5)
Religious and spiritual figures (5)
Religious life and practice (1)
Religious aspects of sexuality, gender and relationships (1)
Ancient religions and Mythologies (11)
Ancient Egyptian religion and mythology (11)
Judaism (10)
Judaism: sacred texts and revered writings (1)
Jewish texts: Tanakh, Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim (1)
Islam (6)
Islam: branches and groups (1)
Islamic groups: Sufis (1)
Other religions and spiritual beliefs (5)
East Asian religions (3)
Confucianism (3)
Alternative belief systems (2)
Humanist and secular alternatives to religion (2)
Buddhism (2)
Buddhism: sacred texts and revered writings (1)
Hinduism (1)
c 1500 onwards to present day (746)
19th century, c 1800 to c 1899 (336)
Later 19th century c 1850 to c 1899 (13)
c 1890 to c 1899 (2)
1837–1901 (Victorian period) (1)
c 1870 to c 1879 (1)
18th century, c 1700 to c 1799 (201)
Later 18th century c 1750 to c 1799 (3)
c 1790 to c 1799 (2)
c 1789 to c 1799 (French Revolutionary period) (2)
c 1648 to 1779 (period of Absolutism and Enlightenment in Germany, and Central and Eastern Europe) (1)
20th century, c 1900 to c 1999 (167)
Early 20th century c 1900 to c 1950 (6)
c 1919 to c 1939 (Inter-war period) (2)
c 1930 to c 1939 (2)
1933–1945 (National Socialist period) (2)
c 1940 to c 1949 (1)
c 1938 to c 1946 (World War Two period) (1)
Later 20th century c 1950 to c 1999 (4)
c 1990 to c 1999 (2)
c 1970 to c 1979 (1)
c 1980 to c 1989 (1)
17th century, c 1600 to c 1699 (50)
16th century, c 1500 to c 1599 (14)
21st century, c 2000 to c 2100 (10)
Early 21st century c 2000 to c 2050 (1)
c 2000 to c 2009 (1)
Society and Social Sciences (132)
Society and culture: general (69)
Cultural and media studies (41)
Cultural studies (36)
History of ideas (8)
Cultural policies and debates (3)
Cross-cultural / Intercultural studies and topics (1)
Cultural studies: customs and traditions (1)
Media studies (5)
Media studies: internet, digital media and society (2)
Disinformation and misinformation (1)
Media studies: journalism (1)
Media studies: TV and society (1)
Social and ethical issues (20)
Ethical issues and debates (8)
Ethical issues: scientific, technological and medical developments (1)
Social attitudes (5)
Migration, immigration and emigration (4)
Sex and sexuality, social aspects (4)
Social discrimination and social justice (4)
Racism and racial discrimination / Anti-racism (2)
Social forecasting, future studies (2)
Animals and society (1)
Consumerism (1)
Poverty and precarity (1)
Refugees and political asylum (1)
Social Integration and assimilation (1)
Violence and abuse in society (1)
Social groups, communities and identities (13)
Gender studies, gender groups (6)
Gender studies: men and boys (1)
Gender studies: women and girls (1)
Feminism and feminist theory (1)
Gender studies: ‘trans’, transgender people and gender variance (1)
Social classes (5)
Ethnic studies (3)
LGBTQ+ Studies / topics (2)
Social groups: religious groups and communities (1)
Sociology and anthropology (39)
Sociology (23)
Social theory (10)
Social research and statistics (4)
Sociology: family and relationships (4)
Population and demography (3)
Sociology: work and labour (3)
Anthropology (18)
Social and cultural anthropology (8)
Politics and government (31)
Political science and theory (11)
Political ideologies and movements (7)
Far-left political ideologies and movements (2)
Centrist democratic ideologies (2)
Anarchism (1)
Nationalism (1)
Political structure and processes (7)
Constitution: government and the state (3)
Political structures: democracy (3)
Comparative politics (2)
Corruption in politics, government and society (1)
Political control and freedoms (1)
Human rights, civil rights (1)
Regional, state and other local government (1)
Psychology (21)
Social, group or collective psychology (7)
Interpersonal communication and skills (1)
Psychological theory, systems, schools and viewpoints (6)
Analytical and Jungian psychology (1)
Psychoanalytical and Freudian psychology (1)
Psychology: the self, ego, identity, personality (3)
Occupational and industrial psychology (2)
Psychology: emotions (2)
Abnormal psychology (1)
Child, developmental and lifespan psychology (1)
Cognition and cognitive psychology (1)
Psychological methodology (1)
Education (8)
Philosophy and theory of education (5)
History of education (2)
Teaching of a specific subject (1)
History and Archaeology (129)
History (117)
History: specific events and topics (83)
Social and cultural history (80)
Genocide and ethnic cleansing (3)
The Holocaust (2)
National liberation and independence (1)
Violence, intolerance and persecution in history (1)
History: theory and methods (17)
Historiography (6)
Historical research: source documents (2)
European history (14)
European history: medieval period, middle ages (7)
European history: Renaissance (1)
Ancient history (4)
General and world history (3)
Military history (1)
Specific wars and campaigns (1)
Second World War (1)
Archaeology (26)
Archaeology by period / region (24)
Language and Linguistics (126)
Linguistics (101)
Grammar, syntax and morphology (23)
Semantics, discourse analysis, stylistics (17)
Philosophy of language (15)
Historical and comparative linguistics (13)
Dialect, slang and jargon (3)
Sociolinguistics (12)
Psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics (2)
Translation and interpretation (2)
Sign languages, Braille and other linguistic communication (1)
Language teaching and learning (22)
Language teaching and learning material and coursework (17)
Language self-study (10)
Language learning: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation (3)
Language readers (2)
Language teaching theory and methods (3)
Language learning: specific skills (1)
Language learning: reading skills (1)
Language: reference and general (18)
Usage and grammar guides (3)
Dictionaries (1)
Bilingual and multilingual dictionaries (1)
Writing and editing guides (1)
CE period up to c 1500 (123)
c 1000 CE to c 1500 (79)
15th century, c 1400 to c 1499 (5)
c 500 to c 1000 CE (3)
Biography, Literature and Literary studies (109)
Literature: history and criticism (96)
Literary studies: general (88)
Literary studies: ancient, classical and medieval (31)
Literary studies: c 1600 to c 1800 (6)
Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900 (6)
Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000 (2)
Literary studies: c 1400 to c 1600 (1)
Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers (6)
Literary theory (5)
Literary studies: poetry and poets (1)
Biography and non-fiction prose (11)
Biography: general (4)
Biography: arts and entertainment (1)
Autobiography: arts and entertainment (1)
Biography: historical, political and military (1)
Autobiography: historical, political and military (1)
Biography: philosophy and social sciences (1)
Biography: religious and spiritual (1)
Autobiography: religious and spiritual (1)
Biography: writers (1)
Autobiography: writers (1)
Diaries, letters and journals (2)
Literary essays (2)
Anthologies: general (1)
Memoirs (1)
Reportage, journalism or collected columns (1)
True stories: general (1)
True stories of discovery (1)
Ancient, classical and medieval texts (2)
Mathematics and Science (82)
Science: general issues (66)
Philosophy of science (34)
History of science (16)
Science funding and policy (2)
Scientific nomenclature and classification (1)
Scientific research (1)
Mathematics (15)
Philosophy of mathematics (11)
Mathematical foundations (3)
Mathematical logic (3)
Number theory (1)
Physics (7)
Relativity physics (2)
Quantum physics (quantum mechanics and quantum field theory) (2)
Applied physics (1)
Astrophysics (1)
Astronomy, space and time (2)
Cosmology and the universe (2)
Biology, life sciences (2)
Life sciences: general issues (1)
Ecological science, the Biosphere (1)
The Arts (45)
The arts: general topics (28)
Theory of art (27)
Forgery, falsification and theft of artworks (1)
The Arts: treatments and subjects (13)
History of art (13)
Religious and ceremonial art (1)
Music (4)
Theory of music and musicology (4)
History of music (1)
Music: styles and genres (1)
Art music, orchestral and formal music (1)
Performing arts (3)
Film, television, radio and performing arts: companion works (1)
Films, cinema (1)
Film history, theory or criticism (1)
Performing arts: costume / props (1)
Radio / podcasts (1)
Theatre studies (1)
Theatre direction and production (1)
Theatre: technical and background skills (1)
The Arts: art forms (3)
Non-graphic and electronic art forms (1)
Installation art (1)
Other graphic or visual art forms (1)
Paintings and painting (1)
Architecture (1)
Theory of architecture (1)
Photography and photographs (1)
Photographic equipment and techniques: general (1)
Video photography / videography (1)
Law (32)
Jurisprudence and general issues (30)
Methods, theory and philosophy of law (30)
International law (2)
Public international law (2)
Public international law: human rights (1)
Laws of specific jurisdictions and specific areas of law (2)
Constitutional and administrative law: general (2)
Constitution (1)
Judicial review (1)
State liability and compensation law (1)
Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects (31)
Interdisciplinary studies (25)
History of scholarship (principally of social sciences and humanities) (4)
Communication studies (3)
Cognitive studies (1)
Development studies (1)
Peace studies and conflict resolution (1)
Regional / International studies (1)
Library and information sciences / Museology (4)
Bibliographic and subject control (2)
Museology and heritage studies (1)
Encyclopaedias and reference works (1)
BCE period – Protohistory (28)
c 2686 to c 323 BCE (Ancient Egyptian period) (21)
c 1000 BCE to start of CE period (2)
Children’s, Teenage and Educational (13)
Educational material (13)
Educational: Humanities and social sciences, general (12)
Educational: Philosophy and ethics (12)
Educational: Arts, general (1)
Educational: Art and design (1)
Economics, Finance, Business and Management (12)
Economics (7)
Economic theory and philosophy (5)
Economic systems and structures (1)
Political economy (1)
Industry and industrial studies (4)
Media, entertainment, information and communication industries (4)
Business and Management (1)
Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure (8)
Travel and holiday (6)
Language phrasebooks (5)
Travel and holiday guides (2)
Travel guides: hotel and holiday accommodation guides (1)
Travel tips and advice: general (1)
Hobbies, quizzes and games (1)
Indoor games (1)
Board, table top and strategy games (1)
Card games (1)
Medicine and Nursing (6)
Medicine: general issues (5)
Medical profession (4)
Medical ethics and professional conduct (4)
History of medicine (1)
Medical specialties, branches of medicine (1)
Neurology and clinical neurophysiology (1)
Computing and Information Technology (6)
Applied computing (2)
Computer science (2)
Artificial intelligence (2)
Digital Lifestyle and online world: consumer and user guides (2)
Internet guides and online services (2)
Social media / social networking (2)
Computer security (1)
Privacy and data protection (1)
Information technology: general topics (1)
Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning (5)
The environment (5)
Applied ecology (2)
Conservation of the environment (2)
Social impact of environmental issues (2)
Natural disasters (1)
Sustainability (1)
Regional and area planning (1)
Transport planning and policy (1)
Health, Relationships and Personal development (4)
Mind, body, spirit (3)
Mind, body, spirit: thought and practice (2)
Fortune-telling and divination (1)
Graphology (1)
Self-help, personal development and practical advice (1)
Fiction and Related items (3)
Fiction: special features (2)
Short stories (2)
Fiction: general and literary (1)
Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes (2)
Environmental science, engineering and technology (1)
Transport technology and trades (1)
Railway technology, engineering and trades (1)
Prehistory (2)
c 5500 to c 2700 BCE (Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic period) (2)
Graphic novels, Comic books, Manga, Cartoons (1)
Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions (1)
Sports and Active outdoor recreation (1)
Sport: general (1)
Sports training and coaching (1)
Sport science, physical education (1)
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Christian life and practice
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Philosophy and Religion
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Christian life and practice
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Philosophy and Religion
c 1500 onwards to present day
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Society and Social Sciences
History and Archaeology
Language and Linguistics
CE period up to c 1500
Biography, Literature and Literary studies
Mathematics and Science
The Arts
Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects
BCE period – Protohistory
Educational purpose qualifiers
Children’s, Teenage and Educational
Economics, Finance, Business and Management
Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure
Medicine and Nursing
Computing and Information Technology
Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning
Health, Relationships and Personal development
Fiction and Related items
Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes
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Sports and Active outdoor recreation
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zu Klampen Verlag
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Die Reden zur Orientierung im Denken
Die rede der unterscheidunge. Zweisprachige Ausgabe
Meister Eckhart
Fischer, Norbert
Philosophische Bibliothek
, Vol. 741
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