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Der lateinische Sonderwortschatz des Aromunischen 

Kramer, Johannes

Romanistik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RomGG), Bd. 22 (2016), Iss. 1: S. 35–42

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Kramer, Johannes

Cited By

  1. Editor’s Introduction: Rediscovering Early Phenomenological Aesthetics

    Mäcklin, Harri

    Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Bd. 10 (2023), Heft 2 S.95 [Citations: 0]
  2. Phenomenology as an Abortive Science of Art: Two Contexts of Early Phenomenological Aesthetics ( Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft and GAChN )

    Flack, Patrick

    Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Bd. 10 (2023), Heft 2 S.109 [Citations: 0]
