Subversion des Bildes
Zu den Spuren der surrealistischen Bildauffassung in der französischen Gegenwartsphilosophie
Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Bd. 54 (2009), Iss. 1: S. 13–29
2 Citations (CrossRef)
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Busch, Kathrin
Cited By
Plurale Verschränkungen – Zur Entdifferenzierung von Kunst, Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft
Kunst oder Aktivismus? Eine explorative Studie zur Anerkennung künstlerischer Protestaktionen als Kunst durch das Publikum
Barkela, Berend | Schäfer, Christina2025
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Plurale Verschränkungen – Zur Entdifferenzierung von Kunst, Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft
Einleitung: Plurale Verschränkungen. Zur Entdifferenzierung von Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft
Rosenkranz, Marie | Zahner, Nina Tessa2025
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-45684-9_1 [Citations: 0]
It is widely acknowledged that surrealism has had a profound impact on postmodern philosophy. The skepticism that surrealism brought to bear on rationality and its revisionist influence on theories of the subject have been received in philosophical literature through writings such as those of Bataille or Artaud. However, current discourse has largely failed to recognize the wider influence surrealism has exerted on the theoretical study of the image. This essay aims to show the relevance of a surrealistic understanding of the image for contemporary French philosophy, and to argue that it is most of all the substantial contribution surrealist painting has made in pointing up the obsessive character of the image that is in fact a major influence on the debate concerning the crisis of and in pictorial representation.