Kulturalisierung, Dekulturalisierung
Kleeberg, Bernhard | Langenohl, Andreas
Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie, Bd. 2011 (2011), Iss. 2: S. 6–27
1 Citations (CrossRef)
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Kleeberg, Bernhard
Langenohl, Andreas
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Mobile Krisenherde. Fahrzeuge in Simenons „harten“ Romanen
Nitsch, Wolfram
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-67990-6_14 [Citations: 0]
Bernhard Kleeberg/Andreas Langenohl: »Culturalisation, deculturalisation«. This article discusses variations in the analytic category of »culture« which has recently become prominent, with respect to ideal-typical idiomologies of deculturalisation as well as culturalisation. They are examined against the background of the systematic differentiations that are formulated in the renewed epistemic perspective of constructivism, deconstructivism and essentialism.