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Vorhang, Lampe, Sessel, Uhr

Auf der Suche nach den Dingen der Recherche 

Geimer, Peter

Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Bd. 2 (2011), Iss. 1: S. 112–126

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Geimer, Peter


Philippe Michel-Thiriet's , published in 1999, contains beside biographical data a »lexicon of characters« and a »lexicon of places in the Recherche.« There is, however, no »lexicon of objects:« No directory of the furniture in the parlor of Madame Verdurin, no comment on the »enmity of the violet curtains« in the Hotel of Balbec, the Queen of Naple's forgotten fan or the hanging lamp in the dining room in Combray. Are these objects thus not part of the novel? Are they mere accessories and requisites? Or are they simply not classifiable in the systematic categories of a lexicon? But why? The paper addresses these questions and tries to give the objects in the attention that usually only the novel's protagonists receive. At the same time, it deals with the legacies of Proust's existence that are occasionally identified with the objects in the novel. But how can a real object enter a novel? And does it ever find its way back out?