Wertspeicher: Epistemologien des Warenlagers
Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Bd. 3 (2012), Iss. 2: S. 35–50
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Dommann, Monika
The paper presents the thesis that, in contrast to the conventional claim, capitalism is not characterized by virtualization, but by objectification and materialization. As materialized forms of industrial capitalism, warehouses are investigated with regard to their epistemic productivity. Central for the argument is the emergence of a new body of knowledge concerning commercial and economic sciences, which figures decisively in the practice of warehousing. After the worldwide economic crisis of 1920/21, stockpiling is called into question and a new era of warehouse sciences begins, the consequences of which are also addressed in the formulation of trade cycle theories.
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Wertspeicher: Epistemologien des Warenlagers | Monika Dommann | 1 |