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Verkehrsmittel als Medien und Milieus in der französischen Literatur der Gegenwart 

Nitsch, Wolfram

Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Bd. 3 (2012), Iss. 2: S. 151–166

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Nitsch, Wolfram

Cited By

  1. Entrenotas: compreensões de pesquisa

    Hissa, Cássio Eduardo Viana

    2012 [Citations: 5]
  2. Kalkulative Formen der Selbstthematisierung und das epistemische Selbst

    Noji, Eryk | Vormbusch, Uwe

    psychosozial, Bd. 41 (2018), Heft 2 S.16 [Citations: 7]


On the one hand, means of transport can be considered as media which shape the perception of space; on the other, they can be considered as milieus which produce certain forms of social interaction. In order to relate both perspectives to each other, the present contribution outlines a topology of vehicles, drawing upon contemporary French literature set in cities. Their detailed representation of certain means of transport shows that literary texts not only decipher modes of spatial perception that are specific to certain vehicles, but also devise new ways of using vehicles through their involvement with an outdated culture of transport.