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The City—A Popular Assembly 

Schwarte, Ludger

Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Bd. 5 (2014), Iss. 1: S. 73–83

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Schwarte, Ludger

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  1. Erzählhorizonte

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    Nuccilli, Daniele

    2023 [Citations: 0]


The architecture of cities provides infrastructures for thousands of people.Yet if it seems that the primary task of this architecture is to make the administration of many people, their living together, their work, their leisure, possible on a rational and dense basis, we ought not oversee that the fulfillment of these functions is not a sufficient condition of what makes a city. Important characteristics of urbanity rather enable the meeting of a multitude of people. Cities count among the conditions for social events insofar as they assemble. In my paper, I propose to analyze this architectural condition as the decisive difference between »Being With« in contrast to just »Being next to«.


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The City—A Popular Assembly | Ludger Schwarte 1