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The Act of Negation: Logical and Ontological

Menke, Christoph

Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Bd. 9 (2018), Iss. 2: S. 44–58

3 Citations (CrossRef)

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Menke, Christoph

Cited By

  1. ‘Teleological Mechanics of the Mind’: Herbart and Lipps on Tendency

    Schmidt, Philipp

    Human Studies, Bd. 47 (2024), Heft 1 S.59 [Citations: 0]
  2. Phenomenological Psychology as Rigorous Science

    Towards a Discourse on Foundation

    Wendt, Alexander Nicolai

    2024 [Citations: 0]
  3. Daseinssemiosis: a New Look at the Phenomenology of Theodor Lipps

    von Fircks, Enno Freiherr

    Human Arenas, Bd. 5 (2022), Heft 3 S.592 [Citations: 12]


The concept of negation is the central operator in distinguishing between historical change and natural evolution, which is constitutive of modern thinking. The crisis of this distinction is therefore the »crisis of negation « (Alain Badiou). The text examines this crisis by first considering Hegel’s concept of »determinate negation« and its impact on the modern understanding of revolution and then discusses two possible alternative understandings of negation: abstract negation (Luhmann) and infinite negation (Agamben)
