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Out for a Walk

Bennett, Jane

Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, Bd. 10 (2019), Iss. 1: S. 93–105

5 Citations (CrossRef)

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Bennett, Jane

Cited By

  1. Der Luxus des Unbewussten

    Heim, Robert

    PSYCHE, Bd. 71 (2017), Heft 12 S.1075 [Citations: 0]
  2. Geflüchtete in Deutschland

    Kitas als heilsame Orte

    Breitenbach, Eva

    2016 [Citations: 0]
  3. Überfluss und Luxus

    Krebs, Moritz

    Paragrana, Bd. 31 (2022), Heft 2 S.60 [Citations: 0]
  4. Ästhetischer Widerstand gegen Zerstörung und Selbstzerstörung

    Luxus als Kritik der zweckrationalen Lebensform

    Wiesing, Lambert

    2018 [Citations: 0]
  5. Dinge – Gaben – Waren

    Der Luxus, das Notwendige und der Naturzustand. Kontroversen und Kontexte im Frankreich der Frühen Neuzeit

    Strosetzki, Christoph

    2022 [Citations: 0]


I explore two walks, one by Henry Thoreau on a hot day in 1851 and one by a line as it winds its way into a doodle today. Walks, I contend, generate circuits of energies and affects, some issuing from people, some from elsewhere. The goal is to accent how ahuman energies and affects inscribe themselves upon selves and inflect their positions and dispositions. Borrowing a term from Lorenz Engell, I call this inscriptive inflection an ›ontographic‹ procedure. Ontography will mark the operations of a creative cosmos, of a more-than-human world continuously impressing itself upon us. At the end, I leave the ontographic to return to the linguistic, to human attempts to ›write up‹ the ahuman ontographies they experience


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Out for a Walk. Von Jane Bennett\r 1