Wie tief reicht die Begriffsgeschichte?
Für eine Deep Intellectual History
Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 62 (2020), Iss. 0: S. 238–250
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Mulsow, Martin
In historical studies, »deep history« means going back far behind Greek antiquity and even the first written cultures: right up to the early development of mankind. Can intellectual history follow this preponement? Using the example of the reconstruction of early legal thinking, this essay outlines how a research program can be developed that discovers early imprints which only later crystallize in terms and theories. It should do so by a combination of linguistic reconstruction and the expansion of the history of concepts to include the history of symbolic forms, integrating even cognitive archeology, body history and archeogenetics.
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Martin Mulsow\r Wie tief reicht die Begriffsgeschichte? Für eine Deep Intellectual History | 237 |