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Zeit und kategoriale Anschauung

Heideggers Verwandlung eines Husserl’schen Grundbegriffes

Römer, Inga

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 55 (2014), Iss. 0: S. 252–263

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Römer, Inga


In 1925 Heidegger stated that categorical intuition was one of the three major discoveries of Husserlian phenomenology. He also claimed that categoricalintuition should be interpreted in a temporal way in order to open up a path for promising research on categories. Even though Heidegger never explicitlydeveloped this temporal interpretation of categorical intuition, this essay shows how he did this implicitly. The fi rst part locates his fi rst approach to this problemin the concept of world-time. The second part sees Heidegger’s second approach in his concept of Temporalität. Finally the third part develops the thesis thatafter the subjectivism of the fi rst and the formalism of the second approach, Heidegger developed a metaphysical notion of time as a basis for promisinghermeneutic-phenomenological research on categories.


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Inga Römer: Zeit und kategoriale Anschauung. Heideggers Verwandlung eines Husserl’schen Grundbegriffes 251