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Günther, Matthias

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 55 (2014), Iss. 0: S. 264–272

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Günther, Matthias


The concept of primary energy is fundamental in energy economy and ecology. However, even in the specialized literature there is still no consistent usage ofthis concept. We shall present a wide-spread concept that can be considered as the original concept of primary energy. But, examining primary energy statistics,we shall fi nd that the usage of the term ›primary energy‹ in these contexts is not compatible with the original concept. We shall present an alternative conceptthat corresponds to the quantifi cation strategies applied in primary energy statistics. Finally, we claim that the inconsistent usage of the term ›primary energy‹


Section Title Page Action Price
Miszelle 263
Matthias Günther: Primärenergie 263