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Die Unterscheidung vormodernen und modernen Denkens

Haferland, Harald

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 51 (2009), Iss. 0: S. 62–105

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Haferland, Harald

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  1. The Australian public's preferences for emergency care alternatives and the influence of the presenting context: a discrete choice experiment

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The article tries to reconstruct a module of human cognition integrated in early forms of thinking e. g. in magic and taboo. The module consists in the creation ofcontiguous identities and entireties. Magical thinking supposes a kind of identity between an object and a person who has touched the object. All entitieswhich are bound in such a relation of contiguity form an entirety and in a wider sense an identity. They can be conceptually identifi ed with each other. The roleof contiguity in this respect was discovered by the psychology of association and conveyed to the study of language. It can be shown that the conceptualidentifi cation or equation plays an important role in the history of mankind. Indeed, it seems possible that they distinguish the premodern from the modernmind.


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Harald Haferland: Kontiguität. Die Unterscheidung vormodernen und modernen Denkens 61