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Der Begriff der transzendentalen Einheit bei Suarez

Zur Entfaltung metaphysischer Grundbegriffe in der Spätscholastik

Darge, Rolf

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 43 (2001), Iss. 0: S. 38–58

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Darge, Rolf

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  1. The presumption of realism

    Franzén, Nils

    Philosophical Studies, Bd. 181 (2024), Heft 5 S.1191 [Citations: 0]


The study seeks to explain Suarez' analysis of transcendental unity with regard to the scholastic debate on the formal sense and the ontological status of ,unum' as an attribute of being as such. lt neither corroborates the view of older studies, which place Suarez in the thomistic line, nor the prevailing view of recent investigations, according to wich Suarez follows the , via scoti'; rather it shows, that within the scope of the traditional program of the ontological explanation of heing Suarez unfolds an original understanding of unity. In this interpretation Suarez - in order to preserve thc aristotelian approach to unity and to keep up with Franciscan arguments - does not follow Aquinas.


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Rolf Darge: Der Begriff der transzendentalen Einheit bei Suarez 37