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Vivere militare est

Die Funktion und philosophische Tragweite militärischer Metaphern bei Seneca und Lipsius

Sommer, Andreas Urs

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 43 (2001), Iss. 0: S. 60–84

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Sommer, Andreas Urs

Cited By

  1. Intonation and Particles as Speech Act Modifiers: A Syntactic Analysis

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The paper discusses the philosophical relevance of military metaphors in thc writings of Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Justus Lipsius. In hoth cases, thcsc metaphorsplay a crucial, hut different role: Scneca uses thcm in order to neutralizing the impact of the extcrnal rcality, e.g. the reality of war. on the soul of the philosopher.According to him the real war is the fight against our affects. On the contrary Lipsius constructs a strong relationship between the warrior and the intellectual - arelationship which confirms the tendency of Lipsius' philosophy to implcmcnt discipline in a greater social framework. Military metaphors appear the works of hoth thinkcrs as >absolute metaphors< (Hans Blumenberg). Their stoicism turns out to hc a metaphorical philosophy.


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Andreas Urs Sommer: Vivere militare est 59
Bärbel Frischmann: Friedrich Schlegels Frühromantische Kritikkonzeption und ihre Potenzierung zur >Kritik der Kritik< 83