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Friedrich Schlegels Frühromantische Kritikkonzeption und ihre Potenzierung zur >Kritik der Kritik<

Frischmann, Bärbel

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Bd. 43 (2001), Iss. 0: S. 84–114

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Frischmann, Bärbel


By reverting of diversest ideal-historic sources and with reference to contemporary problem areas Friedrich Schlegel develops a far-reaching concept of critique, neithcr should be limited on single areas nor exhausts in the very analysis of deficiencics. Rather Schlegel understands critique as a productive matter which always has to account for the own critical intentions and procedures. Schlegel's concept of critique gets its innovative potentiality in the struggle for models explaining a new age. In the following the claim is to explain the various implications of Schlegel's concept of critique. to discuss their systematical interrelation and to judge their theoretical results.


Section Title Page Action Price
Bärbel Frischmann: Friedrich Schlegels Frühromantische Kritikkonzeption und ihre Potenzierung zur >Kritik der Kritik< 83
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