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Die Negation in temporalen Nebensätzen

Zimmermann, Ilse

Linguistische Berichte (LB), Bd. 2018 (2018), Iss. 254: S. 102–117

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Zimmermann, Ilse


The present contribution concerns three types of the German negation nicht, the normal sentential negation, the constituent negation and, in particular, the so-called expletive negation in temporal adverbial clauses. There will be considered the morphosyntactic properties of nicht and its licensing and semantic interpretation. It is argued that the expletive negation is expectative in nature and exhibits selectional restrictions to its context, which have to do with prospectivity. This will be shown in the analysis of some temporal connectives


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Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle 1
Ilse Zimmermann: Die Negation in temporalen Nebensätzen 1