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Linguistische Aspekte der (Schwer-) Verständlichkeit von Vertragstexten 

Reinert, Carolin

Linguistische Berichte (LB), Bd. 2012 (2012), Iss. 231: S. 70–99

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Reinert, Carolin

Cited By

  1. Isaiah Through the Centuries


    2017 [Citations: 0]


At a first glance, the topic of ,,comprehensibility“ appears to be a rather simple one: Some texts succeed in presenting a content in a comprehensible way, others do not. Then, why is it that there is still no adequate theory of comprehensibility? As matters stand, this seems to be a case of praxis preceding its own theory. The present article aims at filtering out some characteristics of comprehensible texts from the work of the Swiss law editorial department. In the end, these characteristics turn out to be an effective means to enhance particularly the structure of an insurance contract.