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Methodological approaches to people's notions of spoken Standard German 

Koplenig, Alexander | Knöbl, Ralf | Deppermann, Arnulf

Linguistische Berichte (LB), Bd. 2016 (2016), Iss. 246: S. 34–59

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Koplenig, Alexander

Knöbl, Ralf

Deppermann, Arnulf

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  1. Die Fakta leiten alle Eidetik. Zu Husserls Begriff des materialen Apriori

    De Palma, Vittorio

    Husserl Studies, Bd. 30 (2014), Heft 3 S.195 [Citations: 3]


This paper explores speakers' notions of the situational appropriacy of linguistic variants. We conducted a web-based survey in which we collected ratings of the appropriacy of variants of linguistic variables in spoken German. A range of quantitative methods (cluster analysis, factor analysis and various forms of visualization techniques) is applied in order to analyze metalinguistic awareness and the differences in the evaluation of written vs. spoken stimuli. First, our data show that speakers' ratings of the appropriacy of linguistic variants vary reliably with two rough clusters representing formal and informal speech situations and genres. The findings confirm that speakers adhere to a notion of spoken standard German which takes genre and register-related variation into account. Secondly, our analysis reveals a written language bias: metalinguistic awareness is strongly influenced by the physical mode of the presentation of linguistic items (spoken vs. written).