Fehlkonstruktion und Reparatur in der Bedeutungskomposition
Linguistische Berichte (LB), Bd. 2016 (2016), Iss. 248: S. 3–41
7 Citations (CrossRef)
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Brandt, Patrick
Cited By
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Current theories of the syntax-semantics interface associate aspects of meaning that cannot be traced to visible structure with empty projecting heads or constructions as wholes. We present an alternative compositional analysis of the hidden aspectual-temporal, modal or comparative meaning of inchoative, middle, excessive and directional complement constructions. Accordingly, the hidden meaning results from a repair mechanism that passes on a locally problematic meaning component to the next higher derivational cycle. The meaning component in question is one half of the logical form of Difference as contributed by certain functional elements or by syntactically transitive (nominative–accusative) configurations.