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Mira Ariel: Pragmatics and Grammar 

Linguistische Berichte (LB), Bd. 2010 (2010), Iss. 222: S. 118–122

4 Citations (CrossRef)

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Cited By

  1. The phenomenology of embodied attention

    D’Angelo, Diego

    Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Bd. 19 (2020), Heft 5 S.961 [Citations: 7]
  2. A Phenomenology of Attention and the Unfamiliar

    A Brief Genealogy of the Concept of Attention in Phenomenology

    Fredriksson, Antony

    2022 [Citations: 0]
  3. Ethical Attention and the Self in Iris Murdoch and Maurice Merleau-Ponty

    Fredriksson, Antony | Panizza, Silvia

    Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, Bd. 53 (2022), Heft 1 S.24 [Citations: 5]
  4. The ‘Strange Kinship’ of Interanimality. Vision, Visibility and Lifeworlds in Science and Art

    Daly, Anya

    Captures, Bd. 7 (2023), Heft 2 [Citations: 1]
