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Relative clause marking in historical German

Coniglio, Marco

Linguistische Berichte (LB), Bd. 2019 (2019), Iss. 258: S. 4–42

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Coniglio, Marco

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  1. In chemico skin sensitization alternative method: development of ADRA and listing to OECD test guideline

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    Fujita, Masaharu

    Folia Pharmacologica Japonica, Bd. 157 (2022), Heft 5 S.345 [Citations: 0]


In Old High German, relative clauses may be either introduced by d-pronouns or by relative particles (or by a combination of both). In this paper, it is argued that, despite their optionality, only relative particles can be considered to be real relative markers, whilst d-pronouns occupy the first position of relative clauses for information-structural reasons. A corpus-based pilot study reveals the properties of relative particles and explains their distribution. The results of this survey are then extended to other stages of the language and a diachronic scenario is sketched in order to account for the origin, development and eventual loss of relative particles, as well as for the emergence of inherent relative pronouns in German.