Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Band 53
Herausgeber: Kahl, Jochem | Kloth, Nicole | Abdelrahiem, Mohamed | Beinlich, Horst | Davis, Katherine E. | Frauchiger, Alix | Johnson, Kevin L. | Cedro, Aneta | D’Alfonso, Ramona | Kapiec, Katarzyna | Kilian, Andrea | Mérat, Amandine | Moustafa, Adel | Shimizu, Marina | Wołodźko, Paulina | Morales, Antonio J. | Alarcón, Sergio | Alba, José M. | Andrews, Ella J. | Colás, Jaime | Díaz, Carmen | González, Alberto | Griffin, Lily A.B. | Hernando, Laura | Hudson, Reed I. | Jiménez, Ana | López, Miguel Ángel | Martínez, Jesús | Patricia Mora | O’Dwyer, Olivia | Rose, Katherine E. | Ruiz, Rocío | Sánchez, Raúl | Vilaró, Jaume | Yvanez, Elsa | Peterková Hlouchová, Marie | Nováková, Věra | Ragab, Muhammad R. | Regulski, Ilona | Thijs, Ad
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 53
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Bibliografische Daten
Inhalt: - Abdelrahiem, Mohamed: The Coffin of Wepwawet-em-hat (S2Shu) at Shutb Storage Museum in Asyut - Beinlich, Horst: Die Metall-Depots im Scheschonk-Tempel von el-Hibe - Davis, Katherine E.: Social and Spatial Constructions of Late Scribal Expertise - Frauchiger, Alix: Formule 660 des Textes des Sarcophages. Naissance et voyage d’un défunt dans l’au-delà - Johnson, Kevin L.: The Study of a Provincial Stone Sarcophagus from the New Kingdom: An Iconographical Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction - Kahl, Jochem: „… a martial frame of mind“: Nubische Bogenschützen und Truppenaufmärsche in Assiut - Kahl, Jochem / Abdelrahiem, Mohamed / Cedro, Aneta / D’Alfonso, Ramona / Kapiec, Katarzyna / Kilian, Andrea / Mérat, Amandine / Moustafa, Adel / Shimizu, Marina / Wołodźko, Paulina: The Asyut Project: Seventeenth Season of Fieldwork (2023) - Morales, Antonio J. / Alarcón, Sergio / Alba, José M. / Andrews, Ella J. / Colás, Jaime / Díaz, Carmen / González, Alberto / Griffin, Lily A.B. / Hernando, Laura / Hudson, Reed I. / Jiménez, Ana / López, Miguel Ángel / Martínez, Jesús / Mora, Patricia / Noria, Beatriz / O’Dwyer, Olivia / Rose, Katherine E. / Ruiz, Rocío / Sánchez, Raúl / Vilaró, Jaume / Yvanez, Elsa: The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Preliminary report on the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari (Seasons Seventh, Eighth and Ninth – 2023–2024) - Peterková Hlouchová, Marie / Nováková, Věra: Typology and decoration of Old Kingdom wooden coffins and stone sarcophagi: similarities and differences - Ragab, Muhammad R.: Interconnectedness of graffiti, writers, and landscape. Graffiti production in the royal necropolis with focus on the area behind the tomb of Ramses VII - Regulski, Ilona: Answering the Sycamore - Thijs, Ad: BM EA 75019+10302. A letter from Piankh’s second Nubian campaign? Tafeln / Plates
Zwischenüberschrift | Seite | Aktion | Preis |
Cover | U1 | ||
Schmutztitel | 1 | ||
Titel | 3 | ||
Impressum | 4 | ||
Inhaltsverzeichnis | 5 | ||
The Coffin of Wepwawet-em-hat (S2Shu) at Shutb Storage Museum in Asyut | 7 | ||
Die Metall-Depots im Scheschonk-Tempel von el-Hibe | 27 | ||
Social and Spatial Constructions of Late Scribal Expertise | 51 | ||
Formule 660 des Textes des Sarcophages Naissance et voyage d’un défunt dans l’au-delà | 73 | ||
The Study of a Provincial Stone Sarcophagus from the New Kingdom: An Iconographical Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction | 93 | ||
„… a martial frame of mind“: Nubische Bogenschützen und Truppenaufmärsche in Assiut | 117 | ||
The Asyut Project: Seventeenth Season of Fieldwork (2023) | 133 | ||
The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Preliminary report on the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari (Seasons Seventh, Eighth and Ninth – 2023–2024) | 163 | ||
Typology and decoration of Old Kingdom wooden coffins and stone sarcophagi: similarities and differences | 215 | ||
Interconnectedness of graffiti, writers, and landscape. Graffiti production in the royal necropolis with focus on the area behind the tomb of Ramses VII | 237 | ||
Answering the Sycamore | 257 | ||
BM EA 75019+10302, a letter from Piankh’s second Nubian campaign? | 275 | ||
Tafeln/Plates | 287 |