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Practices of Oral Performance in Manuals of Rhetoric, Journalism and Autobiography

Herausgeber: Zwierlein, Anne-Julia | Weig, Heidi | Graef, Sebastian

Regensburg Studies in Gender and Culture, Bd. 10



The Victorian rise of mass print media competed against persisting cults of orality: lectures, political speeches, and other oral formats were omnipresent. Still, cultures of lecturing and public speaking have remained surprisingly invisible in Victorian literary and cultural studies. These two anthology volumes explore this important cultural practice, tracing representations and fictionalisations of ephemeral oral performances through print and, sometimes, manuscript. From manuals of rhetoric via journalism and autobiography to fiction, the sources have been selected, introduced and annotated with care; some of them are published here for the first time (and most of them for the first time since the Victorian era). Both volumes combined also show how the vibrant scene of lecturing became increasingly more diversified, popularised, and socially inclusive. Vol. 1 thus addresses the problem of ‘mixed speaking’ (before both men and women), while vol. 2 is concerned centrally with the active participation of women in the cultures of lecturing and public speaking, from the early nineteenth century to the suffragettes. Vol. 1: The Art of Public Speaking – Speaking Techniques and Voice Production – Gesture and Attitude – Relationship with the Audience – Chairmanship – Managing Lectures and Lecture Tours – Public Reading and Reciting – Penny Readings – Humorous and Satirical Approaches. Vol. 2: Women and Elocution: Reading and Reciting – Women’s Debating Clubs – Satirizing Women Speakers – Conversion to Suffragism and ‘First Speech’ – Training and Professionalising Women Lecturers.


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Cover Cover
Titel III
Imprint IV
Table of Contents V
Anne-Julia Zwierlein - Introduction: Cultures of Lecturing in the Long Nineteenth Century 1
Oral Performances: Lecturing, Public Speaking, Reciting 1
Women’s Incursion onto Print and Speech Platforms 2
Anthology Volumes: ‚(1) Practices of Oral Performance‘; ‚(2) Women and Public Speech‘ 4
Acknowledgements 8
A Note on Annotation 9
List of Works Cited 9
Section 1 - ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ 13
I. Edward William Cox - “Public Speaking” – ‚The Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking‘ (1863) 15
II. Anon. - “Institutes for Working Men” – ‚The Quarterly Review‘ (1863) 18
III. William Stewart Ross - “On Public Speaking” – ‚A System of Elocution, Based upon Grammatical Analysis‘ (1869) 21
IV. Samuel Orchart Beeton - “Introduction” – ‚Beeton’s Art of Public Speaking‘ (1882) 28
V. William Ogden - “Observations on Public Speaking and Writing for the Press” – ‚Odds and Ends‘ (1894) 33
VI. Alfred H. Miles - “On Public Speaking” – ‚The New Standard Elocutionist‘ (1895) 35
VII. R. F. Brewer - “Speech-Making” – ‚Voice, Speech, and Gesture‘ (1897) 40
VIII. Andrew Wilson - “My First Lecture” – Some Reminiscences of a Lecturer (1898) 44
IX. William Angus Knight - ‚On the Art of Public Speaking and Reading‘ (1907) 47
X. G. E. O’Dell - “On Keeping Your Head Up”; “On the Way of Saying Things” – ‚Public Speaking and Chairmanship: A Book for Propagandists‘ (1911) 53
XI. Lucy Davy Bell - “Short Summary of Advice with Certain Maxims” – ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ (1923) 58
Section 2 - ‚Speaking Techniques and Voice Production‘ 61
I. Henry Marston - “Elocution Considered as an Art” – ‚Penny Readings in Prose and Verse‘ (1865) 63
II. Charles John Plumptre - “Lecture I”; “Lecture II” – ‚King’s College Lectures on Elocution‘ (1881) 67
III. William Russell - ‚Orthophony, or Vocal Culture‘ (1882) 75
IV. Samuel Orchart Beeton - “Voice”; “Preservation of Voice” – ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ (1886) 79
V. J. E. Carpenter - “Useful Hints” – ‚The Popular Elocutionist and Reciter‘ (1887) 81
VI. Mr Hartley - “Elocution” (Advertisement) (1889) 85
VII. John Forsyth “The Principles of Elocution” – ‚The Practical Elocutionist‘ (1895) 86
VIII. R. F. Brewer - “Modulation;” “Force and Energy” – ‚Voice, Speech, and Gesture‘ (1897) 90
IX. Strachan Holme - “Elocution” – ‚Elocution: A Manual for Classes and Students, with Rules and Examples‘ (1898) 92
X. Arthur Symons - “The Speaking of Verse.” – ‚Plays, Acting, and Music: A Book of Theory‘ (1909) 96
XI. G. E. O’Dell - “On Health, Church-Going, and the Uses of the Elocutionist” – ‚Public Speaking and Chairmanship : A Book for Propagandists‘ (1911) 100
XII. Lucy Davy Bell “Audibility;” “Inaudibility;” “Indistinctness;” “Inflection of Voice;” “Throat;” “Voice, Improvement of;” “Magnetism of;” “Voice Production” – ‚The Public Speaker’s Dictionary and Book of Reference‘ (1929) 103
Section 3 - ‚Gesture and Attitude‘ 105
I. Alexander Melville Bell - “Gesture. Attitude, Motion, Grace, Expressiveness” – ‚Bell’s Standard Elocutionist‘ (1860) 107
II. Edward William Cox - “Delivery” – ‚The Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking‘ (1863) 109
III. William Stewart Ross - “Introduction” – ‚A System of Elocution, Based upon Grammatical Analysis‘ (1869) 113
IV. Samuel Orchart Beeton - “Different Modes of Delivering a Discourse” – ‚Beeton’s Art of Public Speaking‘ (1882) 115
V. J. E. Carpenter - “On Gesture” – ‚The Popular Elocutionist and Reciter‘ (1887) 122
VI. John Forsyth - “The Theory of Gesture” – ‚The Practical Elocutionist‘ (1895) 126
VII. Alfred H. Miles - “On Deportment;” “On Action” - ‚The New Standard Elocutionist‘ (1895) 132
VIII. R. F. Brewer - “Delivery” – ‚Voice, Speech, and Gesture‘ (1897) 137
IX. Henry Neville - “Gesture: Introduction” – ‚Voice, Speech, and Gesture‘ (1897) 139
X. Strachan Holme - “Gesture and Expression” – ‚Elocution: A Manual for Classes and Students, with Rules and Examples‘ (1898) 141
XI. Lucy Davy Bell - “Elocution;” “Gesture” – ‚The Public Speaker’s Dictionary and Book of Reference‘ (1929) 144
Section 4 - ‚Relationship with the Audience‘ 145
I. Edward William Cox - “The Oratory of the Platform” – ‚The Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking‘ (1863) 147
II. John Palmer - “Penny Readings: Encores; The Seats.” – ‚Parochial Entertainments‘ (1878) 154
III. James L. Hughes - “Characteristics of the Teacher Essential in Securing and Retaining Attention;” “General Suggestions” – ‚How to Secure and Attain Attention‘ (1882) 157
IV. Samuel Orchart Beeton - “Audience”; “The Effect of the Audience on the Speaker” – ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ (1886) 160
V. Alfred H. Miles - “General Remarks” – ‚The New Standard Elocutionist‘ (1895) 164
VI. Andrew Wilson - “Lecturers and Audiences”; “The Popular Lecture and Public Education” – ‚Some Reminiscences of a Lecturer‘ (1898) 165
VII. G. E. O’Dell - “On the Importance of the Audience” – ‚Public Speaking and Chairmanship: A Book for Propagandists‘ (1911) 173
VIII. Lucy Davy Bell - “Some Notes on the Psychology of the Crowd: Also of the Speaker” – ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ (1923) 176
IX. Lucy Davy Bell - “Audience;” “Interruptions;” “Open Air Meetings;” “Outdoor Speaking;” “Types of Audiences” – ‚The Public Speaker’s Dictionary and Book of Reference‘ (1929) 180
Section 5 - ‚Chairmanship‘ 183
I. John Palmer - “Penny Readings: The Chairman; Maintenance of Order” – ‚Parochial Entertainments‘ (1878) 185
II. Samuel Orchart Beeton - “Debating Societies”; “Rules of Debating Societies” – ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ (1882) 187
III. Andrew Wilson - “Chiefly about Chairmen” – ‚Some Reminiscences of a Lecturer‘ (1898) 190
IV. G. E. O’Dell - “On Ruling a Meeting;” “Out of Doors;” “At a Public Meeting” – ‚Public Speaking and Chairmanship: A Book for Propagandists‘ (1911) 192
V. Lucy Davy Bell - “Chairmanship: Courtesy and Common Sense.” – ‚The Art of Public Speaking‘ (1923) 197
VI. Lucy Davy Bell - “Announcements;” “Introduction;” “Irrelevance.” – ‚The Public Speaker’s Dictionary and Book of Reference‘ (1929) 201
Section 6 - ‚Managing Lectures and Lecture Tours‘ 203
I. W. N. - “Lectures. Art. IV [Mechanics Institutions]” – ‚Westminster Review‘ (1844) 205
II. Adam Scott - “Of the Lectures Hitherto Delivered”; “On the Lectures” – ‚The London Institution as it Has Been; and as it Ought to Be‘ (1854) 207
III. George Jennings Davies - “Secular Lectures” – ‚Papers on Preaching and Public Speaking‘ (1861) 211
IV. Anon. - “How They Manage Their Lectures in England” – ‚Putnam’s Monthly Magazine‘ (1869) 217
V. A Mere Phantom (pseud.) - “The Magic Lantern: How to Buy it;” “The Phantasmagoria Lantern: How to Use it;” “General Precautions for Use of Slides;” “Dissolving Views” – ‚The Magic Lantern‘ (1874) 229
VI. J. G. Wood - “Lecturing in America” – ‚Leisure Hour‘ (1886) 234
VII. Andrew Wilson - “About Audiences and Some of Their Little Ways” – ‚Some Reminiscences of a Lecturer‘ (1898) 241
VIII. John Taylor - “Popular Lectures by John Taylor” (Advertisement) (1898) 245
Section 7 - ‚Public Reading and Reciting‘ 251
I. Alexander Melville Bell - “Miscellaneous Directions for Reading”; “Miscellaneous Directions for Recitation” – ‚Bell’s Standard Elocutionist‘ (1860) 253
II. Edward William Cox - “Exercises in Reading” – ‚The Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking‘ (1863) 255
III. G. H. - “A Few Hints on Reading” – ‚A Few Words on Penny Readings‘ (1864) 257
IV. ‘Editor’ (Correspondence) - “Notices to Correspondents: W. R.” – ‚The London Reader‘ (1888) 260
V. ‘Editor’ (Correspondence) - “Notices to Correspondents: H. H. Lynton” – ‚Bow Bells‘ (1890) 261
VI. Frederick Harrison - “On Reading”; “How to Prepare and Deliver a Recitation” – ‚A Primer of Elocution in Recitation and Song‘ (1896) 262
VII. G. B. Burgin - “How Authors Learn to Lecture” – ‚The Idler‘ (1896) 265
VIII. Clifford Harrison - “Reciting and Recitative” – ‚Voice, Speech, and Gesture‘ (1897) 273
IX. Lucy Davy Bell - “Recitations” – ‚The Public Speaker’s Dictionary and Book of Reference‘ (1929) 279
Section 8 - ‚Penny Readings‘ 281
I. Charles Sulley - “Why the Readings were Begun at Ipswich”; “Hints to Managers and Readers”; “Concluding Remarks.” – ‚Penny Readings in Ipswich and Elsewhere‘ (1861) 283
II. James Fleming - ‚Bath Penny Reading: Their Origin and Progress‘ (1862) 289
III. J. E. Carpenter - “Origin and Progress of the ‘Penny Reading’ Movement” – ‚Popular Readings in Prose and Verse‘ (1865) 299
IV. Thomas Wright - “About Penny Readings” – ‚Some Habits and Customs of the Working Classes‘ (1867) 303
V. John Palmer - “Penny Readings: The Programme; Length of the Readings; Naturalness in Reading; Introduction to the Readings and Songs.” – ‚Parochial Entertainments‘ (1878) 311
VI. C.L. - “Penny Readings and Winter Entertainments” – ‚The Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine‘ (1878) 314
VII. Samuel Taylor - “Penny Readings” – ‚Records of an Active Life‘ (1886) 318
Section 9 - ‚Humorous and Satirical Approaches‘ 321
I. Edward Draper - “Taking the Chair” – ‚The Train‘ (1856) 323
II. Edward Draper - “The Satirical Lecture” – ‚The Train‘ (1857) 326
III. Charles Dickens - “The Uncommercial Traveller” – ‚All the Year Round‘ (1863) 330
IV. James Pitt - ‚Our Penny Readings‘ (1867) 332
V. [Percy Fitzgerald] - “A Penny Reading at Mopetown” – ‚All the Year Round‘ (1871) 337
VI. Anon. - “Some Account of a Journey Through Londonshire and Its Environs, Undertaken at the Desire of the Grandsons of Corinthian Tom and Jerry Hawthorne of Somersetshire Esquires. By a One-Eyed Philosopher of Terrible Experiences” – ‚Judy‘ (1874) 344
VII. Anon. - “An Unemotional Man” – ‚Bow Bells‘ (1878) 348
VIII. Anon. - “Crackbrain Chronicles No. VI: The Rigmarole of the Reverend Gent” – ‚Judy‘ (1878) 350
IX. John W. Overton - “‚Mary Ormond, Trade Unionist‘: Chapter XV. The Curtain Falls” – ‚The Women’s Union Journal‘ (1882) 352
X. Anon. - “Biffin Gives a Lecture” – ‚Judy‘ (1882) 354
XI. Anon. - “Anecdotes, &c.” – ‚Bow Bells‘ (1887) 357
XII. C. H. L. - “The Comedian’s Ruse” – ‚Bow Bells‘ (1891) 359
XIII. A. Lance - “Getting the Better of a Schoolboy” – ‚Bow Bells‘ (1892) 361
XIV. Anon. - “Sayings and Doings: Witty and Humorous. A Newspaper Puff” – ‚Bow Bells‘ (1872) 362
XV. Anon. - “Facetiae. A Pretentious Person” – ‚The London Reader‘ (1882) 363
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