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In the Beginning were Puppets: Towards a Poetics of Puppetry

Herausgeber: Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine | Nais, Lisa

Wissenschaft und Kunst, Bd. 39


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The study privileges the puppet as a new and revealing point of access to contemporary critical debates regarding performance, genre, affect, aesthetics, cultural production, political activism and the nonhuman studies. The contributors address a striking range of performance histories, aesthetic movements and theoretical positions, from the Arabic influence on Iberian shadow puppetry to the position of the puppet in post-Revolutionary Iran and the American anti-war movement; from the puppet’s central role in the development of European theatre to avant-garde and modernist anti-theatre; from the puppet’s place in the histories of visual art and experimental film to critiques of mass media. By paying careful attention to the specific roles and varieties of puppets in these diverse historical, political and cultural contexts, the collection provides new insights into the practices, aesthetics and ethics of puppet theatre, which serve, in turn, to interrogate anew the relationships between the human and the nonhuman, the material and the immaterial, the uncanny and the sublime.


Zwischenüberschrift Seite Aktion Preis
Cover Cover
Titel iii
Imprint iv
Contents v
Foreword vii
SABINE COELSCH-FOISNER: Why Puppets Matter: Ten Concepts to Approach Puppets on Stage and Beyond, with a Focus on the Salzburg Marionette Theatre Productions ‚Pùnkitititi!‘ (2020) and ‚Bastien and Bastienne‘ (2006/07, revived 2019) 1
ESTHER FERNÁNDEZ: Rebellious Silhouettes: From Arabic Shadows to Optical Illusions in Iberia 27
FRANCESCA CECCONI: The Legacy of Commedia dell'arte in Nino Pozzo's Puppetry 41
ERWIN POKORNY: The Magician as a Puppeteer 57
EMILY LEQUESNE: A Hall of Mirrors: Why Use a Puppet? 75
WOLFGANG BÜCHEL: Zum literarischen Kleinphänomen der Apostrophierung von Dramen als Puppenspiel: Pareidolie, Gesichtsmetapher und anthropomorphe Gestalt 91
CATERINA PAN: Kasperl's Genesis: Intercultural Heritage of the Popular Matrix 105
ALISA RAKUL: Maeterlinck's Plays for Marionettes: Making Voice and Silence Sound Simultaneously 121
DAVID KRYCH: “Die zehnte Muse": Jan Sztaudyngers ‚Marionetki‘ (1938) 139
SARAH PLUMMER: The Puppet 'Other': Bread and Puppet Theater's Depiction of Racialised Peoplein Anti-War Circuses 159
SAHEREH ASTANEH: The Transformation of the Puppet Theatre in Iran after the Revolution of 1979 173
GEORGIA CHRYSSOULI: Jan Švankmajer: The Uncanny Life of a Puppet 179
PIERO CORBELLA: Carlo Colla & Figli: A Marionette Company Blending Tradition and Innovation 203
ANTONIA NAPP, SILKE TECHNAU, ANNIKA SCHULTE: Scenic Spaces in Museum Spaces – A Work-in-Progress-Report from the Museum of Theatre Puppets in Lübeck 217
List of Contributors 235
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