Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur Bd. 47 (2018)
Herausgeber: Kahl, Jochem | Kloth, Nicole
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 47
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Bibliografische Daten
"Inhalt: Åke Engsheden: An etymological safari to Aigyptos. John Gee: Correcting the Genealogy of Chaponchonsis. Margaret Geoga: The Advent of the Book of Gates: Tomb Decoration and Theological Change in KV 57. Alexander Ilin-Tomich: Ikonografische Datierungskriterien für Privatopfertafeln der 12. Dynastie. John M. Iskander / Abdelghaffar Wagdy: Das verlorene Grab des Udjahormehnet. Karl Jansen-Winkeln: Der Titel zmA(tj) WAst(j) und die Propheten des Month in Theben. Jochem Kahl / Mahmoud El-Hamrawi / Ursula Verhoeven: The Asyut Project: Thirteenth Season of Fieldwork (2017). Rolf Krauss: Über die L-förmigen Schattenuhren und die Schlacht von Megiddo. Gianluca Miniaci / Joyce Haynes / Peter Lacovara: Heart-scarabs in the transition between the Second Intermediate Period and the early Eighteenth Dynasty: BMFA 72.1346. Antonio J. Morales / Rawda Abd El-Hady / Kelly Accetta / Marta Arranz / Teresa Bardají / Manuel F. Carrillo / Flavio Celis / Carmen Díaz / Enrique Dorado / Ernesto Echeverría / Sebastian Falk / Carlos Gracia / Salima Ikram / Sofía Illana / Elisabeth Kruck / Miriam Luciañez / Oscar Martínez / Delaminet Meza / Patricia Mora / Jónatan Ortiz / Mohamed Osman / Raúl Sánchez / Dina Serova / Hazem Shared / Daniel Spinelli / Ahmed Tarek / Kei Yamamoto: The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Preliminary report on the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari, Fourth Season (2018). Espen Sjaastad: The Egyptian Reel. Danijela Stefanovic: The holders of the Title Hrj n tm. Saleh Soleiman: Three Inscribed Joined Blocks of Seshemnefer. Discovered Recently at Saqqara. Danijela Stefanovic: The holders of the Title Hrj n tm. Micòl Di Teodoro: The scribes of the Hnrt wr Senebeni and Sobekhotep (Stela Edinburgh A.1951.344). Ad Thijs: The Ramesside Section of the Serapeum. "