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Form und Mimesis

Elemente frühromantischer Kunsttheorie bei Husserl, Benjamin und Adorno 

Villinger, Rahel

Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Bd. 60 (2015), Iss. 2: S. 119–140

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Villinger, Rahel

Cited By

  1. Einleitung zum Themenheft „Konjunkturen der Integration“

    Ezli, Özkan | Langenohl, Andreas | Rauer, Valentin

    Sociologia Internationalis, Bd. 49 (2011), Heft 1 S.1 [Citations: 0]
  2. Die Herausforderungen des Films

    Die „Gastarbeiterfilme“ von Rainer Werner Fassbinder

    Schober, Anna

    2018 [Citations: 0]


The article discusses a notion of form as reflection in Benjamin and Adorno that can be traced back to early German Romanticism. A reading of Novalis’s Hymns to the Night exemplifies the notion and shows that form-as-reflection amounts to a mimetic relation between Dargestelltem and Darstellendem in a work of art. It is further argued that Husserl’s theory of the image, too, discusses this relation and allows to clarify the account of form in Benjamin and Adorno. The article thus reveals a neglected development of a romantic paradigm of form in 20th century image theory and aesthetics.